The Germantown Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Committee (committee webpage) hosted their first of 3 public information sessions on Saturday, December 4, 2021. They presented research from their Inventory & Analysis, described the reasoning behind their proposed LWRP Boundary, and more!

Click here for that PRESENTATION.

The second public information session was on September 21, 2022.

Click here for that PRESENTATION.

What is the LWRP?

New York State’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a locally prepared, land and water use plan and implementation strategy for a community’s natural, public, working, or developed waterfront. In partnership with the Department of State, a municipality develops community consensus regarding the future of its waterfront and implements the plan to make the most of its waterfront. In order for a LWRP to be official, it must be adopted by resolution by the individual municipalities. Communities with an approved LWRP are eligible to apply for implementation funds (available only to communities with a LWRP). Additionally, approved LWRPs are also regulatorily enforceable documents. For example, projects proposed by federal agencies within Germantown’s LWRP boundary would be required to demonstrate compliance with our approved LWRP.

To read more about the NYS DOS LWRP:

LWRP Workplan
LWRP – Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan

New York State LWRP Information

LWRP Consultant Bid Opening meeting information


Jen Crawford, Co-Chair
Christina Bohnsack
Jan Borchert
Barbara Hughey
Martin Overington
Karen Targove, Co-Chair
Kaare Christian

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