Please Take notice that the Germantown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on August 15, 2024, at the Germantown Town Hall, beginning at 7:00pm on the matter of Gabriel Dikel and Irena Tippett who seek an Area Variance for a Front Yard Setback of 34feet 2.5inches and a Side Yard Setback of 7 feet at their property located at 11 Eastern Parkway, Germantown. All interested parties are welcomed to attend via Zoom, which can be found on the Calendar of the Germantown website at, and be heard on this matter.  If you are unable to attend or choose not to speak at the Public Hearing, written comments will be accepted at Town Hall c/o Jami DelPozzo, 50 Palatine Park Road, Germantown, NY 12526 or Jami DelPozzo/Planning and Zoning Secretary