PUBLIC NOTICE Please Take notice that the Germantown Planning Board will hold Public Hearings on June 25, 2024, at the Kellner Activity Building, beginning at 7:00pm for the following applicants:

Jennifer Crawford who seeks a Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment at the property located at 4365 Route 9G and;

Zachary Reichlin who seeks a Subdivision and amended map stamping for his property located at 351 Church Avenue.

All interested parties are welcomed to attend via Zoom, which can be found on the Calendar of the Germantown website at, and be heard on this matter. If you are unable to attend or choose not to speak at the Public Hearing, written comments will be accepted at Town Hall c/o Jami DelPozzo, 50 Palatine Park Road, Germantown, NY 12526 or

Jami DelPozzo/Planning and Zoning Secretary